Different Types of Kratom Veins and Strains

Different types of kratom?

Regardless of your experience with kratom, whether you’re a new or a seasoned expert, understanding the different kratom types is essential to your overall experience. If you’re looking for the types of kratom explained, you’ve come to the right place.

Kratom comes in many strains that each have unique, distinctive effects — some strains are stimulating while others are relaxing. KratomSeries will break down everything you need to know including what the different types of kratom strains are and when to use each one.

How The Different Types of Kratom Are Classified

So, what are the different types of kratom strains, and how are they classified? The majority of kratom strains are classified using color and a geographic area, as both of these features impact the effects of the strain.

Let’s start with strain color, as it’s the most impactful feature. Kratom comes from trees, and as they mature, the natural chemicals that are responsible for kratom’s effects referred to as kratom alkaloids, shift. This results in the veins gradually changing from white to green to red.

Geography is another factor in kratom classification. The geographic area in the kratom strain’s name refers to the origin from which the strain came. Regions have different ecological conditions and agricultural practices that can cause subtle but impactful differences in the kratom crop. While these differences may not impact the color itself, they can result in a unique twist that will change the way in which the strain works.

Kratom Vein Colors And Their Effects

The strain color determines the effects that you’ll experience, and with so many kratom types and effects, we always recommend starting with research to choose the right color for your desired results.

White Vein Kratom

White Vein Kratom

White vein kratom, known for its uplifting and energizing effects, is an ideal starting point for beginners. In terms of its alkaloid profile, white vein kratom, harvested as soon as the kratom tree has started maturing, is high in mitragynine, the alkaloid that gives the energy boost and very low in 7-hydroxymitragynine. This is the best type of kratom for daytime use as it offers a mood boost, gives energy, and helps users focus.

Be mindful that some users get a little too much energy from white vein kratom. Make sure that you consider whether or not you’re sensitive to caffeine jitters before using this strain. If you are hoping for a strain that isn’t quite as energizing, try one with more relaxing properties.

Green Vein Kratom

Green Vein Kratom

Green vein kratom is another popular kratom strain known for its relaxing and energy-balancing effects. Its alkaloid profile contains balanced mitragynine in addition to 7-hydroxymitragynine. Many turn to green vein kratom for assistance with focusing or daytime pain relief.

These strains are taken from the middle of the kratom tree’s maturity period, resulting in a balanced level of its two primary alkaloids. Due to the harvesting timeline, the green vein strain is known for its “middle of the road” side effects that are appealing to both new and seasoned kratom users. This strain is known for providing a gentle energizing effect without the negatives of jitters.

The regional differences associated with green vein kratom help to impact the effects toward a more relaxed, calming energy.

Red Vein Kratom

Red Vein Kratom

Another type of kratom explained is red vein kratom, taken at the latest point in the maturity cycle of the kratom tree. This is one of the best kratom strains for helping to relieve pain and relax. Its alkaloid profile consists of moderate mitragynine and high 7-hydroxymitragynine, which is responsible for relaxation and has pain-relieving and sedative effects. Many use red vein kratom as both a sleeping aid and pain relief at night.

Users opt for red vein kratom to help combat anxiety and to instill a sense of calm after a long day. Those who seek kratom for pain relief typically report the best results with red vein kratom. It can also be taken in smaller doses to create a more balanced effect.

Yellow Kratom Blend

Yellow Vein Kratom

The yellow kratom blend does not derive from a specific leaf, and it is a mixture of red, white, and green vein kratom strains blended together. This is where the strain gets its name. Many users note that the yellow kratom blend is very high-quality due to its unique drying process and offers well-rounded side effects.

Although this kratom type has been around for decades, it is becoming increasingly popular with today’s kratom users. It is notable for its mixture of calming and motivating side effects without swaying too heavily one way or another. Keep in mind that all kratom mixes vary from vendor to vendor, so it is difficult to find a strain that is the same across brands.

Best Kratom Strains and Their Effects

With so many different kratom strains, you may not know which one is best for your needs. Here’s a bit more context to help you decide.


Red Bali kratom has mood-enhancing and relaxing side effects, making it one of the most popular regional varieties on the market today. Although red Bali kratom strains aren’t particularly energizing, they’re an excellent choice for those who want several positive aspects of kratom in one simple strain. If you’re new to kratom, this could be an ideal starting point.


Another different strain of kratom is referred to as Borneo kratom, and it is known for its high content of mitragynine. This is the alkaloid that’s responsible for the energizing effects associated with white vein kratom. Borneo kratom is ideal for uplifting use in the morning or for those who want the effects of green or white strains with an added “up” feeling.


Indo kratom refers to the types of kratom that originate from Indonesia and can be white, red, or green in color. While this strain is known to be less stimulating compared with others, it’s often used to help calm the nerves or boost the overall mood of the user. Indo kratom varieties offer the overall wellness effects that users seek.


Thai kratom varieties often have energizing and mood-enhancing effects that users love. These strains are associated with more energy, focus, and a positive mood. Stories suggest that these varieties were popular with Thai manual laborers and workers who had to endure long workdays. Opt for this type of kratom if you’re looking to balance out your mood and feel better overall.


Another different strain of kratom is referred to as Malay kratom, stem from Indonesia. These strains are known for their balanced, mild effects that combine the best of both the white and red strains. If you’re looking for a balanced, any-time-of-day type of product, you can opt for a Malay kratom strain.


Sumatra kratom is one of the strongest types of kratom that stems from the Sumatra island in Indonesia. Unlike other types of kratom, Sumatra cannot be jammed into the standard categories, and it comes in both a red and white strain. It offers pronounced effects in a potent package, appealing to many users for its high concentration and full-body experience.

Maeng Da

Maeng Da kratom varieties stem from Thai kratom, but they have a remarkable potency. Roughly translated, “Maeng Da” means “pimp grade,” reflecting the fact that the farmers specify Maeng Da as one of the top-tier crops. It’s one of the strongest types of kratom, so new users should try it with caution. For more experienced users, Maeng Da is one of the best kratom options on the market.

Mixing Kratom Strains Best Practices

Now that we’ve gone through some different strains of kratom know that it’s possible to mix kratom strains to achieve the desired effects. Over time, the more experienced kratom users may become desensitized to the effects as their body adjusts over time. This is why mixing kratom varieties can help increase the potency of the strain and keep users feeling the effects.

Before you mix kratom strains together, make sure you know what you’re doing! Not all strains complement each other in the best way, as a single strain may have up to 40 different alkaloids. You won’t want to impede a delicate balance and produce unwanted side effects such as an abnormal amount of energy or deep sedation.

Here are some ways to mix your kratom effectively:

  • Mix different strains with different vein colors such as Red Borneo with Green Malay
  • Mix different vein colors with the same strain, such as Green Maeng Da with White Maeng Da
  • Mix the same vein color with different strains such as Green Indo and Green Malay

The above should give you a strong foundation for how you mix and complement the kratom’s effects.


When used properly, kratom can be an ideal part of your daily routine! If you have questions about kratom or you’re interested in exploring some products, make sure to browse our selection at KratomSeries and contact us! All of our products are top-tier, and we offer free shipping on orders over $100!

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